Sunday, January 2, 2011

Camera 3D

Camera 3D make 3D images on your device!

*This is a beta version, your device may not be supported at this moment.

Tips to take good 3D pictures:
- Always take from left to right.
- Don't move your device too far away from your last position.
- Try to match the object from the last picture's overlay.
- Slide the screen left or right to change last picture overlay's opacity.
- Try to put the object in the middle of the screen.

You can take 2 or 5 photos to make "3D" images:

Vibrating Stereo:
- Take 2 pictures, and click "Vibrating Stereo" to preview as vibrating stereo.
- Vibrate 2 images to produce 3D effect, you can slide the screen to change vibration speed.

5-angle photo:
- Take 5 pictures and preview as 5-angle 3D image
- Use accelerometer/slide to control the faces of the image